Mathematics enable you to become an artist...

QBiom is a biomorph builder made with Qt in C++. This software enables you to render artistic figures without knowing anything about maths. You can now render your biomorphs in three dimensions and apply them an easy to make color chart.


QBiom 0.3

The lastest version is uploaded.

* A minor design modification and commented sources.

By Alexandre 2007-04-03

QBiom 0.2

The lastest version is uploaded.

* 3D render window have been implemented. 3D Render
Known bug : impossible to manipulate two 3D render window at the same time (seems that the openGL context is lost when creating a new one)

By Alexandre 2007-03-22

Site online

The website of QBiom is now ready to use. A full documentation of the software will come, as well as commented sources. Don't hesitate to report any bug by e-mail or via the comment page.

By Alexandre 2007-03-18